
Heat transfer, droplet dynamics and supersonic combustion are the three core research areas of the ITLR.

Research areas at ITLR

Currently, the ITLR focuses mainly on three research areas: droplet dynmaics, heat transfer, and supersonic combustion.

Evaporation of a droplet chain

Droplet dynamics

Experimental investigations such as levitation of droplets, evaporation behaviour, near-critical fuel injection in shock tube and droplet chamber, droplet collisions, splashing and jet atomization are carried out. For the numerical investigations, direct numerical simulation (DNS) are performed in the fields of droplet interaction, droplet impacts on dry and wetted surfaces, heat and mass transport. The ITLR developed for more than 20 years his DNS in-house code for multiphase flow Free Surface 3D (FS3D).

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Flow field in pin fin array

Heat transfer

This research area deals with the determination of heat transfer in cooled components. Both experimental investigations (e.g. liquid crystal technology, thermal camera, PIV, LDA, hot wire measurement technology) and numerical calculations (CFD, FEM) are carried out.

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transonic mixing investigations

Supersonic combustion

Application and development of various measurement techniques for the characterisation of heat transfer and for the determination of temperature, velocity and chemical fluid composition in supersonic flows.
Experimental and numerical investigations on active cooling methods such as transpiration cooling for the protection of ceramic combustion chamber structures.
Experimental and numerical investigations of compressible mixture boundary layers in a laval nozzle. Investigations on the introduction and mixing of the fuel (hydrogen) in supersonic combustion chambers.

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Contact Persons

This image shows Bernhard Weigand

Bernhard Weigand

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil.


Susanne Stegmeier



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