Supersonic Combustion

Here you will find further information on the research area supersonic combustion.

Themen der Überschallverbrennung am ITLR

Mixing processes of two or more components are essential for numerous technical applications, e.g. combustion engines and continuous reactors. One of the various practical implementations is an injector through which a gas is injected into a gaseous co-flow. The wake that develops downstream of the point of injection depends on the injector geometry and on the co-flow conditions. Such wake flows have been the object of study of many researchers. However, in most of these works either incompressible or supersonic flow conditions are considered, whereas only little research has been conducted into transonic mixing behavior. The current research project at ITLR aims to close this knowledge gap by experiments and numerical simulation.

Contact: M.Sc. Charalampos Alexopoulos

Contact Persons

This image shows Bernhard Weigand

Bernhard Weigand

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil.


Susanne Stegmeier



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