This image shows Grazia Lamanna

Grazia Lamanna


Research associate - Acad. senior councillor
Institute of Aerospace Thermodynamics


+49 711 685 62173
+49 711 685 62317

Pfaffenwaldring 31
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 1-101

  1. Geppert, A. K., Stober, J. L., Steigerwald, J., Schulte, K., Tonini, S., & Lamanna, G. (2024). Analyzing the early impact dynamics of single droplets impacting onto wetted surfaces. Physics of Fluids, 36(1), Article 1.
  2. Schubert, S., Steigerwald, J., Geppert, A. K., Weigand, B., & Lamanna, G. (2024). Micro-PIV study on the influence of viscosity on the dynamics of droplet impact onto a thin film. Experiments in Fluids, 65(5), Article 5.
  3. Steinhausen, C., Schaumäker, A., Weigand, B., & Lamanna, G. (2023). On the onset of transcritical phase transition: An analytical approach using a non-equilibrium evaporation model. Proceedings 11th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, ICMF 2023: April 2–7, 2023, Kobe, Japan.
  4. Lamanna, G., Steinhausen, C., & Weigand, B. (2023). On the role of trancritical evaporation in controlling the transition from two-phase to single-phase mixing. Proceedings ILASS Europe 2023, 32nd European Conference on Liquid Atomization & Spray Systems: 4-7 Sept 2023, Napoli, Italy.
  5. Steinhausen, C., Gerber, V., Stierle, R., Preusche, A., Dreizler, A., Gross, J., Weigand, B., & Lamanna, G. (2023). Characterisation of the transient mixing behaviour of evaporating near-critical droplets. Frontiers in Physics, 11.
  6. Gerber, V., Steinhausen, C., Weigand, B., & Lamanna, G. (2023). Investigation of Transcritical Fluid Injections using Polarized Mie Scattering in Structured Illumination. Proceedings 11th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, ICMF 2023: April 2–7 2023, Kobe, Japan.
  7. Lamanna, G., Steinhausen, C., & Weigand, B. (2023). Towards understanding the interplay between atomisation, evaporation and the onset of single phase mixing in transcritical sprays. In Proceedings 19th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids: 21-24 May 2023, Budapest, Hungary.
  8. Härter, J., Martinez, D. S., Poser, R., Weigand, B., & Lamanna, G. (2023). Coupling between a turbulent outer flow and an adjacent porous medium: High resolved Particle Image Velocimetry measurements. Physics of Fluids.
  9. Härter, J., Steinhausen, C., Poser, R., & Lamanna, G. (2023). Mass transfer measurements of a self-pumping transpiration cooling system. Proceedings 11th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, ICMF 2023: April 2–7 2023, Kobe, Japan.
  10. Geppert, A. K., & Lamanna, G. (2023). Towards spatial and time-resolved film thickness measurements during droplet impact onto thin liquid films. ILASS Europe 2023, 32nd Conference on Liquid Atomization & Spray Systems, 4-7 Sept 2023, Napoli, Italy.
  11. Fuhrmann, T., Poser, R., Weigand, B., & Grazia, L. (2023). Interfacial interaction of a porous periodic topology adjacent to a turbulent fluid flow by highly resolved PIV measurements. Book of Abstracts of 15th Annual International Conference on Porous Media, 333–334.
  12. Fuhrmann, T., Poser, R., Weigand, B., & Lamanna, G. (2023). Interfacial interaction of a porous periodic topology adjacent to a turbulent fluid flow by highly resolved PIV measurements. Book of Abstracts of 15th Annual International Conference on Porous Media, 333–334.
  13. Härter, J., Poser, R., Weigand, B., & Lamanna, G. (2022). Impact of Porous-Media Topology on Turbulent Fluid Flow: Time-Resolved PIV Measurements.
  14. Lamanna, G., Steinhausen, C., Preusche, A., & Dreizler, A. (2022). Experimental Investigations of Near-critical Fluid Phenomena by the Application of Laser Diagnostic Methods. In K. Schulte, C. Tropea, & B. Weigand (Eds.), Droplet Dynamics Under Extreme Ambient Conditions (pp. 169–188). Springer International Publishing.
  15. Steinhausen, C., Gerber, V., Preusche, A., Dreizler, A., Weigand, B., & Lamanna, G. (2022). Feasibility analysis on transient speed of sound investigations using laser-induced thermal acoustics In evaporating droplets. Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Application of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, 20, 1--12.
  16. Lamanna, G., Geppert, A. K., Bernard, R., & Weigand, B. (2022). Drop impact onto wetted walls: an unsteady analytical solution for modelling crown spreading. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 938, A34.
  17. Geppert, A. K., Santini, M., Lamanna, G., Cossali, G. E., & Weigand, B. (2022). Scientific Highlights of the International Research Training Group (GRK 2160/2) “Droplet Interaction Technologies” (DROPIT). 31th Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, ILASS-Europe 2022, Tel-Aviv (Virtual).
  18. Steinhausen, C., Gerber, V., Preusche, A., Weigand, B., Dreizler, A., & Lamanna, G. (2021). On the potential and challenges of laser-induced thermal acoustics for experimental investigation of macroscopic fluid phenomena. Experiments in Fluids, 62(2), Article 2.
  19. Gerber, V., Baab, S., Förster, F. J., Mandler, H., Weigand, B., & Lamanna, G. (2021). Fluid injection with supercritical reservoir conditions: Overview on morphology and mixing. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 169, 105097.
  20. Bernard, R., Baumgartner, D., Brenn, G., Planchette, C., Weigand, B., & Lamanna, G. (2021). Miscibility and wettability: how interfacial tension influences droplet impact onto thin wall films. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 908, A36.
  21. Ouedraogo, Y., Gjonaj, E., Gersem, H. D., Steinhausen, C., Lamanna, G., & Weigand, B. (2021). Simulation and Characterization of Transient and Steady State Electrosprays. 15th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, 1, 1, 319.
  22. Baumgartner, D., Bernard, R., Weigand, B., Lamanna, G., Brenn, G., & Planchette, C. (2020). Influence of liquid miscibility and wettability on the structures produced by drop–jet collisions. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 885, A23.
  23. Bernard, R., Vaikuntanathan, V., Lamanna, G., & Weigand, B. (2020). A New Perspective for the Characterization of Crown Rim Kinematics. In G. Lamanna, S. Tonini, G. Cossali, & B. Weigand (Eds.), Droplet Interactions and Spray Processes. Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications (Vol. 121, pp. 163–175). Springer, Cham.
  24. Bernard, R., Vaikuntanathan, V., Weigand, B., & Lamanna, G. (2020). On the crown rim expansion kinematics during droplet impact on wall-films. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 118, 110168.
  25. Lamanna, G., Steinhausen, C., & Weigand, B. (2020). On the Importance of Kinetic Effects in the Modelling of Droplet Evaporation at High Pressure and Temperature Conditions. In G. Lamanna, S. Tonini, G. E. Cossali, & B. Weigand (Eds.), Droplet Interactions and Spray Processes (pp. 277--286). Springer International Publishing.
  26. Preusche, A., Dreizler, A., Steinhausen, C., Lamanna, G., & Stierle, R. (2020). Non-invasive, spatially averaged temperature measurements of falling acetone droplets in nitrogen atmosphere at elevated pressures and temperatures. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 166, 105025.
  27. Stierle, R., Waibel, C., Gross, J., Steinhausen, C., Weigand, B., & Lamanna, G. (2020). On the Selection of Boundary Conditions for Droplet Evaporation and Condensation at high Pressure and Temperature Conditions from interfacial Transport Resistivities. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 151, 119450.
  28. Geppert, A., Bernard, R., Weigand, B., & Lamanna, G. (2020). Analytical Model for Crown Spreading During Drop Impact onto Wetted Walls: Effect of Liquids Viscosity on Momentum Transfer. In G. Lamanna, S. Tonini, G. E. Cossali, & B. Weigand (Eds.), Droplet Interactions and Spray Processes. Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications, vol. 121 (Vol. 121, pp. 177–190). Springer, Cham.
  29. Lamanna, G., Steinhausen, C., Weckenmann, F., Weigand, B., Bork, B., Preusche, A., Dreizler, A., Stierle, R., & Gross, J. (2020). Laboratory Experiments of High-Pressure Fluid Drops: Chapter 2. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Hg.) -- High-Pressure Flows for Propulsion Applications, 49--109.
  30. Terzis, A., Kirsch, M., Vaikuntanathan, V., Geppert, A., Lamanna, G., & Weigand, B. (2019). Splashing characteristics of diesel exhaust fluid (AdBlue) droplets impacting on urea-water solution films. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 102, 152--162.
  31. Lamanna, G., Geppert, A., & Weigand, B. (2019). On the effect of a thin liquid film on the crown propagation in drop impact studies. ILASS-Europe 2019, 29th Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Paris, France.
  32. Steinhausen, C., Reutzsch, J., Lamanna, G., Weigand, B., Stierle, R., Gross, J., Preusche, A., & Dreizler, A. (2019). Droplet Evaporation under High Pressure and Temperature Conditions: A Comparison of Droplet Evaporation under High Pressure and Temperature Conditions: A Comparison of Experimental Estimations and Direct Numerical Simulations. Proceedings ILASS--Europe 2019, 29th Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems: 2-4 September 2019, Paris, France.
  33. Steinhausen, C., Lamanna, G., Weigand, B., Stierle, R., Gross, J., Preusche, A., Dreizler, A., & Sierra-Pallares, J. (2019). On the influence of evaporation on the mixture formation of high pressure combustion. Proceedings ICMF 2019, 10th International Conference on Multiphase Flow: May 19 -- 24, 2019, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  34. Bernard, R., Geppert, A., Vaikuntanathan, V., Lamanna, G., & Weigand, B. (2018). On the Scaling of Crown Rim Diameter during Droplet Impact on Thin Wall-Films. ICLASS 2018, 14th Triennal International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems.
  35. Steigerwald, J., Geppert, A., Ertl, M., Bernard, R., Vaikuntanathan, V., Lamanna, G., & Weigand, B. (2018). Direct Numerical Simulation of One- and Two-Component Droplet Wall-Film Interactions within the Crown-Type Splashing Regime. ICLASS 2018, 14th Triennal International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Chicago, IL, USA.
  36. Ouedraogo, Y., Gjonaj, E., Weiland, T., de Gersem, H., Steinhausen, C., Lamanna, G., Weigand, B., Preusche, A., & Dreizler, A. (2018). Modelling and Simulation of Electrically Controlled Droplet Dynamics. In U. Langer, W. Amrhein, & W. Zulehner (Eds.), Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering (Vol. 28, pp. 101--109). Springer International Publishing.
  37. Palmetshofer, P., Steinhausen, C., Preusche, A., Dreizler, A., Weigand, B., & Lamanna, G. (2018). Comparison Of Diffusion Models For Application In Low- To High-pressure Droplet Evaporation Problems. ICLASS 2018: 14TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LIQUID ATOMIZATION & SPRAY SYSTEMS.
  38. Baab, S., Steinhausen, C., Lamanna, G., Weigand, B., & Förster, F. J. (2018). A quantitative speed of sound database for multi-component jet mixing at high pressure. Fuel, 233, 918--925.
  39. Förster, F. J., Baab, S., Steinhausen, C., Lamanna, G., Ewart, P., & Weigand, B. (2018). Mixing characterization of highly underexpanded fluid jets with real gas expansion. Experiments in Fluids, 59(3), Article 3.
  40. Lamanna, G., Steinhausen, C., Weigand, B., Preusche, A., Bork, B., Dreizler, A., Stierle, R., & Gross, J. (2018). On the importance of non-equilibrium models for describing the coupling of heat and mass transfer at high pressure. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 98, 49--58.
  41. Bernard, R., Foltyn, P., Geppert, A., Lamanna, G., & Weigand, B. (2017). Generalized analysis of the deposition/splashing limit for one-  and two-component droplet impacts upon thin films. ILASS-Europe, 28th Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Valencia, Spain.
  42. Ouedraogo, Y., Gjonaj, E., Weiland, T., de Gersem, H., Steinhausen, C., Lamanna, G., Weigand, B., Preusche, A., & Dreizler, A. (2017). Modelling and simulation of electrically controlled droplet dynamics. Proceedings 11th International Confernce on Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering: 3-7 October 2017, St. Wolfgang, Austria.
  43. Ouedraogo, Y., Gjonaj, E., Weiland, T., de Gersem, H., Steinhausen, C., Lamanna, G., Weigand, B., Preusche, A., & Dreizler, A. (2017). A Convection-Conduction Model for Electrohydrodynamic. Proceedings Compumag2017 21st International Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields: June 18-22 2017, Daejeon, Korea.
  44. Geppert, A., Terzis, A., Lamanna, G., Marengo, M., & Weigand, B. (2017). A benchmark study for the crown-type splashing dynamics of one- and two-component droplet wall-film interactions. Experiments in Fluids, 58(12), Article 12.
  45. Ouedraogo, Y., Gjonaj, E., Weiland, T., de Gersem, H., Steinhausen, C., Lamanna, G., Weigand, B., Preusche, A., & Dreizler, A. (2017). Modeling of an electrically driven droplet generator. Proceedings VII International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering: 12-14 June 2017, Rhodes Island, Greece.
  46. Steinhausen, C., Lamanna, G., Weigand, B., Stierle, R., Gross, J., Preusche, A., & Dreizler, A. (2017). Experimental Investigation of Droplet Injections in the Vicinity of the Critical Point: A comparison of different model approaches. Proceedings ILASS--Europe 2017. 28th Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems: 6-8 September 2017, Valencia, Spain.
  47. Ouedraogo, Y., Gjonaj, E., Weiland, T., de Gersem, H., Steinhausen, C., Lamanna, G., Weigand, B., Preusche, A., Dreizler, A., & Schremb, M. (2017). Electrohydrodynamic simulation of electrically controlled droplet generation. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 64, 120--128.
  48. Geppert, A., Terzis, A., Lamanna, G., Marengo, M., & Weigand, B. (2016). On the Formation of Secondary Droplets from Crown Bottom Breakdown during Drop Impact on Very Thin Films. 27th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Brighton, UK, Brighton, UK.
  49. Geppert, A., Chatzianagnostou, D., Meister, C., Gomaa, H., Lamanna, G., & Weigand, B. (2016). Classification of Impact Morphology and Splashing/Deposition Limit for n-Hexadecane. Atomization and Sprays, 26(10), Article 10.
  50. Geppert, A., Strcbac, A., Marengo, M., Lamanna, G., & Weigand, B. (2015). Two-Component Droplet Wall-Film Interaction: Crown Morphology as a Function of Liquids Viscosity and Surface Tension. ICLASS 2015, 13th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Tainan, Taiwan.
  51. Geppert, A., Gomaa, H., Meister, C., Lamanna, G., & Weigand, B. (2014). Droplet Wall-Film-Interaction: Impact Morphology and Splashing/Deposition Boundary of Hyspin/ n-Hexadecane Two-Component System. ILASS-Americas, 26th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Portland, Oregon, USA.
  52. Geppert, A., Greif, F., Lamanna, G., & Weigand, B. (2013). Phenomenology of Two-Component Droplet-Wall Film-Interaction. ILASS-Europe, 25th European Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Chania, Greece.
Date of Birth Born on March 25, 1970. Female.
Address University of Stuttgart
Institute of Aeryyospace Thermodynamics
Pfaffenwaldring 31, 70569 Stuttgart
Phone +49 711 685 62173
Current position Senior Lecturer (AkademischeOberrätin, permanent)

2003, 2005:     A total of 8 months maternity leave
 2004, 2006:     Part-time home office            

Academic Education and Scientific Qualification  
27.11.2000                  Ph.D.  in Applied Physics, Technical University of Eindhoven (NL) Supervisor: M.E.H. van Dongen
1996-2000   Research and teaching assistant, Institute of Gas Dynamics, Technical University of Eindhoven (NL)
1989-1994  Aerospace Engineering (magna cum laude), University of Naples (I) “Federico II”
Professional Career  
since 2012 Senior Lecturer (AkademischeOberrätin), Institute of Aerospace                                         Thermodynamics, University of Stuttgart
2001-2012    Lecturer (AkademischeRätin) and assistant professor, Institute of Aerospace Thermodynamics, University of Stuttgart
2001  Visiting Scholar at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, USA
1994-1996      Graduate Research Associate, Faculty of Chemical Engineering, University of Groningen (NL)
2018                            Member of the Technical Committee of the 14th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Chicago, USA
2018                            Member of the Program Committee of the International Workshop on Space Propulsion (IWSP 2018) Harbin, China.
Since 2014 Member of the ILASS Scientific Committee for the annual European Conference on Liquid Atomization & Spray Systems (ILASS)
Since 2016 Member of the B.Sc.-Selection Committee of the University of Stuttgart
2015                            Mentors for female engineering students in the framework of the Junior Mentoring Tandem Program (Jumeta), University of Stuttgart
2008-2010 Member of Search Committees for Professorial Appointments,University of Stuttgart, Germany
Since 2010    Equal opportunities officer for the Collaborative Research Center SFB-TRR75 “Droplet dynamics under extreme ambient conditions”
Since 2005 Reviewer for various national funding organizations in EU (DFG, NWO, FOM, ANR, GACR)
2002-2004   Equal opportunities officer for the faculty of Aerospace Engineering and Geodesy, University of Stuttgart
Since 2010  Member of the Selection Committee of the Elite Study Programme – Simulation Technology
Since 2001 Reviewer for > 15 intl. Journals
Awards and Recognitions  
Invited Lecturer at Von Karman Institute, Liquid Fragmentation in High Speed Flows, Belgium
2005      Awards from the Elite Support Program for Postdoctoral Fellows, Federal Foundation Baden Württemberg
1995     Fellowship, International Space University
1994 Research Fellowship from the Dutch Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Publications  (out of 90 papers)  
a) Peer-reviewed publications


[1]        X. Luo, G. Lamanna, A.P.C. Holten, M.E.H. van Dongen: Effects of homogeneous condensation in compressible flows: Ludwieg tube experiments and simulations; Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 572, pp. 339 – 366 (2007)                                                             

[2]        I. Stotz, G. Lamanna, H. Hettrich, B. Weigand and J. Steelant:Design of a Double Diaphragm Shock Tube for Fluid Disintegration Studies;Review of Scientific Instruments, 79, 125106 (9 pages), (2008)

[3]        G. Lamanna, H. Kamoun, B. Weigand, J. Steelant: Towards a unified treatment of fully flashing sprays; Int. J. MultiphaseFlow, Vol. 58, pp. 168 – 184 (2014)     

[4]        F.J. Förster, S. Baab, G. Lamanna, B. Weigand: Temperature and Velocity Determination of Shock-Heated Flows with Non-Resonant Heterodyne Laser-Induced Thermal Acoustics; Appl. Phys. B 121, pp. 235 – 248 (2015)                                                                                   

[5]        S. Baab, F.J. Förster, G. Lamanna, B. Weigand: Speed of sound measurements and mixing characterization of underexpanded fuel jets with supercritical reservoir condition using laser‑induced thermal acoustics; Exp. Fluids 57:172 (2016)                                     

[6]        G. Lamanna, H. Kamoun, B. Weigand, C. Manfletti, A. Rees, J. Sender, M. Oschwald, J. Steelant: Flashing behaviour of rocket engines propellants; Atomization and Sprays, 25 (10), pp. 837– 856 (2015)

[7|        S. Baab, G. Lamanna, B. Weigand: Two-phase disintegration of high-pressure retrograde fluid jets at near-critical injection temperature discharged into a subcritical pressure atmosphere; Int. J. Multiphase Flow, Vol. 107, pp. 116 – 130 (2018)                                                        

[8]        S.Baab, C. Steinhausen, G. Lamanna, B. Weigand, F.J. Förster, A quantitative speed of sound database for multi-component jet mixing at high pressure,Fuel, Vol. 233, pp. 918-925, (2018)                                        

[9]        G. Lamanna, C. Steinhausen, B. Weigand, A. Preusche, B. Bork, A. Dreizler, R. Stierle, J. Groß, On the importance of non-equilibrium models for describing the coupling of heat and mass transfer at high pressure, Int. Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 98,  pp. 49 – 58 (2018)

[10]      A Geppert, A Terzis, G Lamanna, M Marengo, B Weigand: A benchmark study for the crown-type splashing dynamics of one-and two-component droplet wall–film interactions; Experiments in Fluids, Volume 58, Issue 12, pp. 172 (2017)

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